2016 was a year, am I right?!
Along with it being a rough year personally, 2016 was a little rough for our country

I’ve never considered myself an activist or an extremely political person but this year has made me discover feelings I never knew I had. Living outside of DC, it is easy to block out the political talk and give a huge eye roll and a snide remark for anyone who brings such a topic up “We get it!  You work on The Hill...” <insert eye roll>
I’ve always been surrounded by it and became numb to the chatter.  
Then one day I woke up and I realized how much I cared.

On January 21st, an amazing event is happening where an expected 200,000 people, with the vast majority of them being women, will march on our Nation’s Capital to make our voices heard.  If you haven’t heard of this event, it is the Women’s March on Washington.  Someone who has been elected to represent the greatest nation in the world has the views and opinions that so many individuals within this country, do not stand for.  

So we march.

As a daughter and granddaughter of Cuban refugees, I feel that others trying to escape their horrific living conditions should have the ability to come here to rebuild and reestablish their lives. I march.

As a woman who should have the ability to chose to bring or not to bring another life into this world. I march.

As a woman who is living above the poverty line and can afford her own health care but understands her privileged circumstance and feels that every woman should be given that same opportunity to affordable healthcare WHICH can lead to bringing healthier lives into this world. I march.

As a person who believes that NO ONE should be denied certain, unalienable rights based on their sex, race, and most of all, religion. I march.

As a person who believes that LOVE IS LOVE. I march.

I am beyond excited to drive less than 5 miles into my city, Washington DC, and stand next to some amazing women and men to demonstrate America’s voice.  Will you be marching??

Check out the official link ( https://www.womensmarch.com/ ) to learn more about DC's march and the regulations you should know prior to joining us in making history. Not local? See if your city is marching too.